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We celebrate the accomplishments and good news of all students, faculty, postdocs, and staff who have been part of the LASSP community.

News from LASSP alums

Fall 2022

Matt Ferguson (Nowack Group) defended his dissertation in summer 2022. Dr. Ferguson is joining the lab of Andrew Mackenzie at the Max Planck Institute for the Chemical Physical of Solids (Dresden, Germany) as a postdoctoral researcher.

Summer 2022

J. Kevin Nangoi (Arias Group) defended his dissertation in July 2022. Dr. Nangoi will be a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Barbara starting September 2022.

Meera Ramaswamy (Cohen Group) defended her dissertation in May 2022. Dr. Ramaswamy will be a Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM) postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. She will be working with Professor Sujit Datta in the Chemical and Biological Engineering department, studying how bacteria move in porous media under flow.

Spring 2022

Saba Karimeddiny (Ralph Group) defended his dissertation in December 2021 and is now working as a research staff member at IBM.

Xiaolong Liu (recently a postdoc in Davis Group) is an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Liu’s group focuses on the creation, manipulation, visualization, and understanding of novel quantum states of matter such as unconventional superconductivity.

Saien Xie (recently a postdoc in Shen Group) is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Princeton Institute of Materials at Princeton University. Dr. Xie’s group creates, manipulates, and characterizes thin film materials and devices in the ultimate atomically thin limit.

Yuan Yao (Umrigar Group) defended his dissertation, "Towards more scalable selected configuration interaction methods,” in December 2021 and is now a software engineer at Nvidia.

Alumni Spotlight: Lars English

Professor Lars English

Lars English is an Al Sievers Graduate student that received his PhD in 2003 from LASSP. Lars is now receiving the 2024 APS Faculty Prize for Research in an Undergraduate Institution.

Lars English is a professor of Physics at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He has published more 40  peer-reviewed research articles exploring “the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems.”

Keep in Touch!

Please send us news of your accomplishments and of major events in your life. Send photos! Let us know about your friends who are also alumni! Contact Brenda Smith to share information or to be added to the alumni listserv.